Our Story...

For an entrepreneur, their business is either one they've dreamt of for years or one that had way of fining them unexpectedly .Unexpectedly, is exactly how Gisele Gardner open The Bikini Room . If things had gone according to plan, she would have been a Marine Biologist.

Gisele moved to Kaua'i from Brazil in the late 90's to study Marine Biology. One of the biggest struggles for her, being from Rio de Janeiro, was the lack of Brazilian bikinis offered.Her mother would send small boxes of bikinis from Brazil every other month since there where none available on island. "That one box once every other month, turned into monthly boxes because my friends loved them as much as I did" , says Gisele. They became such a hit that the company her mother was buying from offered her a position to become their Hawai'i rep proving her enough inventory to open her own shop. "My business was born from necessity" says Gisele , so many other woman loved the bikinis, there was just nowhere that offered them back in the 90's.

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